In other news we'd like to announce the opening of Refried Bean's! Refried Bean's is our "Vintage Salsa! Outlet Store" where you can grab some of our older clothing for L$10 apiece!
Tuk Tuk to Buster!
In other news we'd like to announce the opening of Refried Bean's! Refried Bean's is our "Vintage Salsa! Outlet Store" where you can grab some of our older clothing for L$10 apiece!
Tuk Tuk to Buster!
Tuk Tuk to Buster!
You can grab all of this at our mainstore in Buster. Thank you for your continued support and have fun out there you loons!
Tuk Tuk to Buster!
This week we were also pleased to open up Cardboard Corner beside our mainstore. We sent out a request for neighbours and received a lot of feedback, so again we'd like to thank everybody that expressed interest in Cardboard Corner. Cardboard Corner is now inhabited by the three following squatters -
Tarnished with a variety of tanks, gowns, pj's and skins. with jewelry and shapes.
Reek with belts, tees and ice cream.
Come and have a ganders in Cardboard Corner!
Tuk Tuk to Salsa! - Pointless Necessities
^Gertrude the Snail - Her lips are oh so kissable!
All of the Snail Buddies can be found at our mainstore for L$25 each. Be warned if you step on one of these snails on our turf we will throttle you.
Also out this week is our Cock Robin Tunics in Raven, Canary and Dove colours. The Cock Robin Tunic is only available at our mainstore so come on down and have a ganders.
In other news the Salsa! Garage has opened and all vehicle and vehicle attachments have been moved there so keep your eyes peeled!
New at Salsa! Nauti Tube Tops! The three variations are, from left to right, In The Navy!, Anchors Away! and Honorary Red. The Nauti Tube Tops can be found in our mainstore and at our store in Harold.
Also our latest dollarbie includes both Vinyl and Anchor necklaces! They can be found at our mainstore on the table as usual!