Salsa! has been busier still! Our dollarbie this week is the Salsa! Peace Out Tee which you can grab at our mainstore. We also have our first St Patrick's Day product out, the hand drawn/painted Leprechaun Faux Tuxedo Shirt for L$25.
Salsa! brings you Argent Headphones. The Salsa! Argent Headphones pack contains black and white versions of Argent Headphones in three different colours (blue, green and pink) for L$75. Salsa! Argent Bullet Headphones features headphones with bullet detailing in three different colours (blue, green and pink) for L$25. Salsa! Argent Lipstick Headphones features headphones with lipstick detailing in three different colours (blue, green and pink) for L$25. All Argent Headphones are scripted to allow simple resizing.
Salsa! also presents the Aphotic Telly Belt, scripted with lighting effects and animated telly screens. As well as being scripted to easily resize, the pack includes two versions, one scripted with lighting effects and one without. On sale now for L$75.